I'm aiming for making 1 CS video per week and writing as well.

-----Original Message-----
From: Sebastien Goasguen [mailto:run...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, February 12, 2013 4:46 AM
To: Musayev, Ilya
Cc: cloudstack-dev@incubator.apache.org; cloudstack-us...@incubator.apache.org
Subject: Re: ACS - Better Marketing - YOUR HELP IS NEEDED

On Feb 12, 2013, at 12:02 AM, "Musayev, Ilya" <imusa...@webmd.net> wrote:

> Sebastien,
> Agreed with all your comments, joining the cloudstack-marketing list now.
> BTW, I could mention that we are cloudstack user - and I did updated the page 
> of "Who is using CloudStack", I just cant put the company logo - due to legal 
> reasons.
> In my world, anything that has to go through legal is like throwing a request 
> into a deep hole - and pray that at somepoint the request comes back and when 
> it does.

Could you write something has an individual ?

> Regards
> ilya 
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Sebastien Goasguen [mailto:run...@gmail.com] 
> Sent: Friday, February 08, 2013 3:13 PM
> To: Musayev, Ilya
> Cc: cloudstack-dev@incubator.apache.org; cloudstack-us...@incubator.apache.org
> Subject: Re: ACS - Better Marketing - YOUR HELP IS NEEDED
> On Feb 7, 2013, at 11:47 PM, "Musayev, Ilya" <imusa...@webmd.net> wrote:
>> To be completely honest, CloudStack is an awesome product, with one major 
>> flow - it's a "best kept secret" not too many know about. The last thing we 
>> want to see is for CS to become like BSD (awesome and stable) but barely 
>> used.
>> I'm not  Citrix employee, I will speak freely - so pardon my honesty.
>> We lose the market to a peer pressure phenomenon known as OpenStack, I'm not 
>> saying OS is bad by any means, but realistically, many companies go for OS - 
>> because thats what everyone talks about, they don't use the approach of what 
>> is right for my environment, instead they go for the buzzword. Not many can 
>> actually get OS to work - in true open source way - and end up paying for 
>> various companies to make it work for them and maintain as well. We need to 
>> get the word out there for CS - we can do better.
>> For the most part, (my strong opinion based on where I worked in past) I can 
>> say that in most use cases for small, mid and large size companies, CS is a 
>> better fit.
>> Bad marketing, works against everyone's interest. Anything from future job 
>> opportunity - to actually working with a product that is simply great, 
>> stable and feature rich.
>> Here is how I propose we fix this:
>> For each of the bullet points below - we assign leads that work with 
>> contributors.
>> 1)      Create an ACS social media marketing team - We NEED social media 
>> attention
>> a.       Gather list of ideas
>> b.      Meet regularly on IRC to follow up on progress and discuss what can 
>> be done better
>> c.       Pick the best voted ideas
>> d.      Assign the duties and roles
>> e.      Conquer - one at a time
>> f.        Create Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and YouTube Channels or use 
>> existing means and other social media
> This is great, I just want to point out that we have talked about a few of 
> these items already:
> They already exist (from prior Apache move) and we talked about it:
> http://markmail.org/thread/p3awdls6khvvtyzk
> All videos from CCC have been posted at:
> http://www.youtube.com/diycloudcomputing
>> g.       Blog with SEO in mind
>> 2)      Show the world how you can get ACS to work in your environment on 
>> youtube and other video sites
>> a.       Create a set of step by step tutorial (video preferred)
>>                                                              i.      Basic 
>> ACS POC setup
>>                                                            ii.      Setting 
>> up ACS  in corporate environment with strict compliance
>>                                                           iii.      Hosting 
>> environment
>>                                                          iv.      
>> Development Environment - educate new developers on how to troubleshoot 
>> issues and how to address them - actual basic examples would be really good 
>> on how bug X was fixed
> I have asked for screencast/demo at:
> http://markmail.org/thread/j4dv4wt2xkhqv73v
>> b.      Take it a step further and show how you can bolt on CS with other 
>> offerings - again video preferred but text will do
>>                                                              i.      Show 
>> how to bolt on OpenSwift for block storage, OpenShift (linux PaaS) and 
>> IronFoundry (windows PaaS),  Chef and SpaceWalk and others
>> 3)      Create support groups based on area of expertise, for example I can 
>> help with VmWare and CS setups, but I'm not good with XEN or KVM at the 
>> moment
>> a.       We need support groups for different hypervisors, storage and 
>> networks that can help newcomers
>> b.      Each issue resolved must be documented preferable on wiki  - any  
>> documentation (including copy and paste from mailing list) is better than 
>> none
>> 4)      Host local user group meet ups
> Personnally, I attend and speak at JUG in France/Geneva region. I was just at 
> the Grenoble JUG last week and I am heading to Edinburgh JUG in March 27.
>> a.       Show CS and help others
> This is what we try to do with buildacloud.org (former cloudstack.org):
> http://buildacloud.org/blog/202-bacd-ghent-summary-and-slides.html
> My question to all the CloudStack users reading this is how can we get all of 
> you to speak out about your deployments.
> Write a blog describing your use case, how you use CloudStack and why you 
> love it ?
> Not to pick on you Ilya, but If I google for "cloudstack webmd" it only 
> returns links to the mailing list. So what prevents you from writing about 
> how you use CloudStack ? What can we do as a community to get you to write 
> about CloudStack ?
>> 5)      Reach out to other open source (and not) players and work with them 
>> to have easy integration and cross functionality
>> a.       RedHat with OpenShift PaaS
> As an example, see my podcast with redhat during FOSDEM where I reach out to 
> delta cloud:
> http://cloudevangelist.org
>> b.      IronFondry
>> c.       Cisco, Microsoft, VMWare, etc...
>> d.      Become part of major distributions
> There was also a thread on this:
> http://markmail.org/thread/3nm2g7elvoxek7ga
>> e.      Others will join as soon as they see the momentum
> Momentum is building, at least in France it's picking up nicely:
> http://ies.ikoula.com/cloud-prive
>> *         Next Steps to make this happen:
>> o   Gather list of people willing to contribute their time with skills and 
>> desired areas of involvement, even if you are a new comer or don't have 
>> enough experience with CS, we can use your help!
>> o   Set the time for regular IRC meeting
>> o   Help lead this effort as well as participate
>> Together we can make ACS better for everyone and we can beat the buzzword 
>> players - because we are truly better.
>> Your input is welcome, if you want to reach out to me off the list, please 
>> feel free, I'm on irc.freenode.net nick "serverchief", or email me directly.
>> Thanks
>> ilya
> The bottom line to me is very simple:
> We need everyone on this list to write a blog about how they use cloudstack 
> or develop on cloudstack:
> http://sebgoa.blogspot.com
> Then we need to tweet the hell out of it :)
> Easy  :)

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