On Wed, Jan 23, 2013 at 2:05 PM, Chiradeep Vittal
<chiradeep.vit...@citrix.com> wrote:
> Yes, I believe an alarm should be raised. This way it is possible to
> initiate a workflow in an external system to get higher limits approved.

+1 to that!

> On 1/23/13 9:06 AM, "Sanjay Tripathi" <sanjay.tripa...@citrix.com> wrote:
>>Comments Inline
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: Chiradeep Vittal [mailto:chiradeep.vit...@citrix.com]
>>> Sent: Tuesday, January 22, 2013 12:22 PM
>>> To: CloudStack DeveloperList
>>> Subject: Re: [DISCUSS] Limit Resources to domain/account
>>> Are there any alarms / events /warnings raised for this condition?
>>[]  If user cross the resource limit set for his/her account, CloudStack
>>throws a message to the user that limit of this resource type has been
>>exceeded. Apart from this CS does not send any alarm or warnings for this
>>condition(if there is a requirement for this, I can definitely add it
>>into this feature).
>>> Can the end-user see how much capacity he / she has left (through an API
>>> call)
>>> Can they see it on the UI?
>>[] We don't have separate API for this. To calculate the resources that
>>are left for his/her account, user can use listAccounts API which
>>displays the resource limits and the total resources that are being
>>consumed by that account.
>>In CloudStack UI, user can see the resource details under the "accounts"
>>> Should the limits be associated with an account? Or should the account
>>> linked to a 'rate plan'.
>>> On 1/21/13 10:36 PM, "Chiradeep Vittal" <chiradeep.vit...@citrix.com>
>>> wrote:
>>> >Please update the FS with this important detail.
>>> >
>>> >On 1/16/13 11:52 AM, "Sanjay Tripathi" <sanjay.tripa...@citrix.com>
>>> >
>>> >>Koushik,
>>> >>
>>> >>>What is the upgrade story? For e.g. say based on the existing VM's
>>> >>>for an account, the total CPU and RAM exceeds the global maximums.
>>> >>>What happens in this case?
>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> >>If admin sets the limits for an account and suppose that account
>>> >>already has existing VMs whose total CPU and RAM counts are exceeding
>>> >>the limits, in this case CloudStack would not shut down the VMs
>>> >>assigned to account to level the resources. If the user tries to
>>> >>deploy a VM, CS will check the limits of that account and in this case
>>> >>CS will not allow the account to deploy the VM.
>>> >>
>>> >>>Also for CPU number of cores are considered, should speed also be
>>> >>>considered?
>>> >>Thanks for suggestion :), we can consider speed also as a part of CPU
>>> >>resource.
>>> >>
>>> >>Thanks,
>>> >>Sanjay
>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> >>> -----Original Message-----
>>> >>> From: Chris Sears [mailto:chris.x.se...@sungard.com]
>>> >>> Sent: Wednesday, January 16, 2013 10:39 PM
>>> >>> To: cloudstack-dev@incubator.apache.org
>>> >>> Subject: Re: [DISCUSS] Limit Resources to domain/account
>>> >>>
>>> >>> On Wed, Jan 16, 2013 at 6:00 AM, Sanjay Tripathi
>>> >>> <sanjay.tripa...@citrix.com
>>> >>> > wrote:
>>> >>>
>>> >>> > Can anyone suggest that what should be the default max resource
>>> >>> > values that an account/project can have for the following global
>>> >>> > config
>>> >>> parameters:
>>> >>>
>>> >>>
>>> >>> It seems like the least surprising default max would be to leave
>>> >>>them  all unlimited. Otherwise, it's likely some admins will just
>>> >>>overlook  this and then just stumble upon the arbitrary limit. If you
>>> >>>default to  unlimited, only admins who need to restrict it will need
>>> >>>to be concerned with the settings.
>>> >>>
>>> >>> As an aside, I wasn't clear from the FS how to specify "unlimited"
>>> >>>in the UI.
>>> >>> Does leaving the value blank imply unlimited?
>>> >>>
>>> >>>  - Chris
>>> >

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