Comments inline

-----Original Message-----
From: Sailaja Mada 
Sent: Thursday, January 17, 2013 2:39 PM
Cc: Sanjay Tripathi; Sailaja Mada
Subject: RE: [DISCUSS] Limit Resources to domain/account

Hi Sanjay,

Can you please clarify below questions :

1.  Requirement document @  talks about " 
Number of times a OS template can be deployed" . I have not found the details 
of this requirement in FS. Can you please clarify about the requirement ?
[Sanjay]:  For now, we are not considering "Number of times a OS template can 
be deployed" requirement for this feature. I will update the requirement page 
with this information.

2.  Currently FS talks about limiting resources per account/project by 
introducing the global configurations parameters related to Account/project 
limits.  Existing limits are set to unlimited ( -1) per domain. So are we going 
to set to unlimited per domain to the new limits as well Or Any plans to add 
global config  with max limits per domain? 
[Sanjay]: Going with the existing CS behavior and will set the list per domain 
as unlimited for new resource types.

3.  With Regions getting introduced , Do we limit the resources per  each 
Region ?  Please clarify the process wrt to Regions. 
[Sanjay]: For now, we are not limiting the resources per Region basis. May be 
we can limit them in future (once Region gets introduced).

4.  In the UI , currently  "Update Resource Count "   will give live data or No 
of accounts/volumes/instances in the domain , Similarly No of VM's and IP 
addresses per account.   So do you have plans to update live usage data for all 
the supported limits ?
[Sanjay]: That is correct, updateResourceCount API will update the new resource 
(CPU, RAM etc.) count along with the existing resources.
5.  When it comes to Storage Limits- Primary/Secondary ,  I would assume 
Cloudstack will not differentiate different type of storages  ex: iSCSI/NFS 
[Primary] , Object Store -S3/NFS/Swift - Secondary . Please correct me about 
the assumption .  This is basically from test coverage point of view. 
[Sanjay]: We are not differentiating the Storage limits on there "type" basis. 

6.  Similar to point 5 ,  Will there be any difference with hypervisors 
regarding CPU/RAM resources ? I would assume no difference . This is basically 
from test coverage point of view.
[Sanjay]: Same as point 5, we are not differentiating the CPU/RAM resources on 
hypervisor basis.

7.  Do we generate Alerts to the system when the resources allocated to domain 
are close to the limits specified ?  
[Sanjay]: For now, we do not generate any alerts, you can open an enhancement 
for this.

8.  When the instance is deployed with out CPU CAP compute offering , I would 
assume we still limit CPU as per domain/account/project limits even if spare 
capacity available .  Yes/No ?
[Sanjay]: No

Thanks and Regards,

-----Original Message-----
From: Sanjay Tripathi [] 
Sent: Friday, January 04, 2013 4:46 PM
Subject: RE: [DISCUSS] Limit Resources to domain/account


This is the initial draft of FS for the feature:

I'll keep updating based on suggestions/comments.


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