On 01/02/2013 09:52 PM, Chip Childers wrote:
One quick follow up.

If we approve the bylaw draft, I'll publish it to the website.
However, the document comes from the perspective of CloudStack being a
top level project (graduated from the incubator).  I'd likely include
a header note indicating this issue.  My preference is to approach the
process this way, so that we don't have to do an amendment process
during / after a potential / eventual graduation.

Not to be picky, but shouldn't this be changed then?

"3.1.1. Decisions regarding the project are made by votes on the primary project

development mailing list (cloudstack-dev@incubator.apache.org)."

If you are writing like we are graduated should we keep the incubator address there? Just to prevent this bylaws being copied and we being haunted by this e-mail address still being present in there.

Other then that: +1 (binding)



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