On Dec 27, 2012, at 3:12 PM, Pranav Saxena wrote:

> Thanks Sebastien for the update ! The plan looks great .  
> The marketplace plugin we were developing for Cloudstack is in our feature 
> branch - asf/marketplace-prototype and we have the basic prototype working 
> for which the details about its structure are there on Jie's marketplace 
> proposal page .

Was the page updated to take into account all the discussions that happened on 
the ML ?

Also what is in this feature branch ? I believe it was created before we had 
all the discussions. Does it contain the core marketplace code and the repo 
listings components ? It should only contain the "client"/plugin side.

> We need to improve upon its design and customized looks. Please let us know 
> if we could  help you out in whatsoever ways possible.
> Merry Christmas and a very happy new year to you !
> Regards,
> Pranav
> -----Original Message-----
> From: sebgoa [mailto:run...@gmail.com] 
> Sent: Thursday, December 27, 2012 7:15 PM
> To: Pranav Saxena
> Cc: cloudstack-dev@incubator.apache.org
> Subject: Re: [DISCUSS] Opennebula marketplace integration
> Hi Pranav,
> Due to the holiday season I expect a light volume of updates.
> That said I believe that a consensus has been reached. The marketplace core 
> code and the repositories should be placed somewhere outside of the Apache 
> repository.
> The marketplace "client" could be submitted to the Apache repo with the 
> concept of a marketplace plugin.
> I informed the Opennebula guys of this development and pointed them to Jie's 
> wiki page and the threads discussing Marketplace. I hope to get them engaged 
> in actual testing and development after the new year.
> I hope that before feature freeze of 4.1 we can have a marketplace "plugin" 
> with demonstrated use of "Jie's" marketplace as well as the opennebula 
> marketplace. This would make for a very nice story and would be a nice 
> ecosystem.
> Cheers,
> -Sebastien
> On Dec 26, 2012, at 11:53 AM, Pranav Saxena wrote:
>> Hi Sebastien/Jie ,
>> Any update on where are we currently on building up a marketplace for 
>> cloudstack ?  Community consensus ?
>> @ Sebastien  - As you suggested , is there any update from the OpenNebula 
>> guys  ?
>> Thanks,
>> Pranav
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Jie Feng [mailto:jie.f...@citrix.com]
>> Sent: Thursday, December 20, 2012 12:07 AM
>> To: sebgoa; cloudstack-dev@incubator.apache.org
>> Subject: RE: [DISCUSS] Opennebula marketplace integration
>> Hi Sebastien,
>> It is great to hear that you want to build hook for Opennebula marketplace 
>> listings into CloudStack. The more we can do to enable products and services 
>> for our Cloudstack users, the better. Since Opennebula listings are all 
>> templates, you can build hooks directly into the CloudStack Template UI, or 
>> into CloudStack Marketplace (once we have consensus).
>> There are a few things to think about to build hooks into the CloudStack UI, 
>> as I have gone through those when I was thinking about the CS Marketplace 
>> feature:
>> 1. Who can import the listings/templates?
>> 2. Who owns the listing?  In CloudStack, templates have to belong to an 
>> account. When I designed CS Marketplace, I made the listing ownerless.
>> 3. What is the UI for admin and user?
>> 4. What listing items user can see?  For example, the template might be for 
>> KVM, where the cloud only supports XenServer/VMware. Do you filter it out? 
>> For CS Marketplace, I don't filter it out since I can group multiple 
>> templates into one listing entry, and user can pick which one to instantiate.
>> Jie
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: sebgoa [mailto:run...@gmail.com]
>>> Sent: Wednesday, December 19, 2012 4:17 AM
>>> To: cloudstack-dev@incubator.apache.org
>>> Cc: Jie Feng; Sonny Chhen
>>> Subject: Re: [DISCUSS] Opennebula marketplace integration
>>> On Dec 19, 2012, at 12:11 PM, Pranav Saxena wrote:
>>>> Hi Sebastien ,
>>>> The openNebula marketplace looks good . Regarding the plugin on the
>>> Cloudstack UI , we can provide you/leads of Opennebula  with that 
>>> since we already have it developed for the actual Cloudstack 
>>> marketplace I was working on and make it point to the OpenNebula 
>>> Marketplace by modifying the URL  .
>>>> But first the question arises , is the community in favor of this ? 
>>>> Last time
>>> there were some issues on the ML regarding integration of marketplace 
>>> and I reckon ,  we are yet to reach a consensus.
>>> Hi Pranav,
>>> You are right in that the other marketplace thread has not yet 
>>> reached consensus. We need to bring it to consensus.
>>> I will reply to it.
>>> My understanding though is that folks are in favor of marketplaces in 
>>> general but that the code of such marketplace should not be in the 
>>> cloudstack code.
>>> That means that you could put your marketplace code on github but 
>>> commit the "hooks" to it in cloudstack. In a very similar fashion 
>>> that we have several storage backends.
>>> Where it links to opennebula's marketplace is if your hooks can be 
>>> used to connect to their marketplace. That'd be great.
>>> Does that make sense ?
>>> -Sebastien
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Pranav
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: sebgoa [mailto:run...@gmail.com]
>>>> Sent: Wednesday, December 19, 2012 2:49 PM
>>>> To: cloudstack
>>>> Subject: [DISCUSS] Opennebula marketplace integration
>>>> Hi all,
>>>> In the previous marketplace discussion I mentioned the Opennebula
>>> marketplace:
>>>> http://marketplace.c12g.com/appliance
>>>> http://opennebula.org/documentation:rel3.8:marketplace
>>>> I talked to the leads of opennebula: Ignacio de Lorente and Ruben
>>> Montero and they are interested to integrate their marketplace with 
>>> CloudStack.
>>>> The concept is to leave the marketplace itself where it is and 
>>>> develop
>>> hooks/plugins in CloudStack to import images from the marketplace 
>>> into a CloudStack deployment.
>>>> A user would set a global settings 'marketplace' to the opennebula
>>> marketplace server. This would in turn display the images that are in 
>>> the marketplace within the template UI.
>>>> Thoughts ?
>>>> -Sebastien

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