Hi Sebastien ,

This does makes sense and perhaps seems to be the most logical approach to 
integrate marketplace . I 'll be initiating some more discussions on the same 
with Jie and Brian and thereafter we can have a plugin code available on github 
, as very rightly mentioned by you , unless we can think off some other 
alternative solution.


-----Original Message-----
From: sebgoa [mailto:run...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, December 19, 2012 5:47 PM
To: cloudstack-dev@incubator.apache.org
Cc: Jie Feng; Sonny Chhen
Subject: Re: [DISCUSS] Opennebula marketplace integration

On Dec 19, 2012, at 12:11 PM, Pranav Saxena wrote:

> Hi Sebastien ,
> The openNebula marketplace looks good . Regarding the plugin on the 
> Cloudstack UI , we can provide you/leads of Opennebula  with that since we 
> already have it developed for the actual Cloudstack marketplace I was working 
> on and make it point to the OpenNebula Marketplace by modifying the URL  .
> But first the question arises , is the community in favor of this ? Last time 
> there were some issues on the ML regarding integration of marketplace and I 
> reckon ,  we are yet to reach a consensus. 

Hi Pranav,

You are right in that the other marketplace thread has not yet reached 
consensus. We need to bring it to consensus.
I will reply to it.

My understanding though is that folks are in favor of marketplaces in general 
but that the code of such marketplace should not be in the cloudstack code. 
That means that you could put your marketplace code on github but commit the 
"hooks" to it in cloudstack. In a very similar fashion that we have several 
storage backends.

Where it links to opennebula's marketplace is if your hooks can be used to 
connect to their marketplace. That'd be great.

Does that make sense ?


> Regards,
> Pranav
> -----Original Message-----
> From: sebgoa [mailto:run...@gmail.com] 
> Sent: Wednesday, December 19, 2012 2:49 PM
> To: cloudstack
> Subject: [DISCUSS] Opennebula marketplace integration
> Hi all,
> In the previous marketplace discussion I mentioned the Opennebula marketplace:
> http://marketplace.c12g.com/appliance
> http://opennebula.org/documentation:rel3.8:marketplace
> I talked to the leads of opennebula: Ignacio de Lorente and Ruben Montero and 
> they are interested to integrate their marketplace with CloudStack.
> The concept is to leave the marketplace itself where it is and develop 
> hooks/plugins in CloudStack to import images from the marketplace into a 
> CloudStack deployment.
> A user would set a global settings 'marketplace' to the opennebula 
> marketplace server. This would in turn display the images that are in the 
> marketplace within the template UI.
> Thoughts ?
> -Sebastien

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