> -----Original Message-----
> From: Daniel Kulp [mailto:dk...@apache.org]
> Sent: Monday, September 10, 2012 10:29 AM
> To: cloudstack-dev@incubator.apache.org
> Subject: Re: Poll (was Re: IRC Meeting Times)
> On Sep 10, 2012, at 12:32 PM, Alex Huang <alex.hu...@citrix.com> wrote:
> >> The main "Red Flag" to me was the line:
> >>
> >> AGREED: continue using waf to build rpm package  (jlkinsel, 17:24:57)
> >>
> >> As soon as I saw "AGREED", a little red flag popped up in my head
> wondering
> >> if a decision had been made on IRC that should have been done on the list.
> I
> >> believe this had been discussed to death on the list already (need to
> >> double check, very busy list) and a quick link to show that would
> >> definitely been helpful.
> >
> > That's a really good point.  Here the agreement was that waf is the
> temporary solution to continue to use to get 4.0 release out.  It's not an
> agreement on long term direction of CloudStack.  Does it still count as a
> decision?  I mean there's tons of these types of "decisions" made during the
> IRC?  For example, who's going to help with what work.  Todo lists being
> generated.  Etc.  Do these all count as decisions?
> As Noah stated, it's kind of a gray area and is something you'll likely need 
> to
> adjust as you move forward, learn what works and doesn't, etc...   A lot of it
> can depend exactly on how it's presented in the minutes/log.   If it was
> presented more like:
> No one present has time to look at other options for RPM packaging right
> now so planning on sticking with waf for now.
> then it wouldn't have raised any red flags to me at all.  That shows that its
> more of a "remain status quo" for now, but also allows others that were not
> on the irc chat to say "hey, I have some time, can I help out with that" or
> something.   Keeps the door open.    The "AGREED" wording just seems to
> imply "we're doing this, discussion closed" type thing which really isn't the
> case.

OK.  That makes it very clear.  Thanks, Daniel.  I thought it might have just 
been the wording on that statement and it's good to get a confirmation.


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