> The main "Red Flag" to me was the line:
>  AGREED: continue using waf to build rpm package  (jlkinsel, 17:24:57)
> As soon as I saw "AGREED", a little red flag popped up in my head wondering
> if a decision had been made on IRC that should have been done on the list.   I
> believe this had been discussed to death on the list already (need to double
> check, very busy list) and a quick link to show that would definitely been
> helpful.


That's a really good point.  Here the agreement was that waf is the temporary 
solution to continue to use to get 4.0 release out.  It's not an agreement on 
long term direction of CloudStack.  Does it still count as a decision?  I mean 
there's tons of these types of "decisions" made during the IRC?  For example, 
who's going to help with what work.  Todo lists being generated.  Etc.  Do 
these all count as decisions?  


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