> > -----Original Message----- > From: Joe Brockmeier [mailto:j...@zonker.net] > Sent: Thursday, August 16, 2012 2:27 PM > To: cloudstack-dev@incubator.apache.org > Subject: Re: [DOCS] links within a document. > > On Thu, Aug 16, 2012 at 03:20:34PM -0400, David Nalley wrote: > > So we have a mass of xml files that are assembled into different > > documents by other XML files. > > So for something I was playing with locally, I built the developers > > guide, or well, tried to. It failed (for multiple reasons) I fixed the > > first, and started to fix the second, when I realized that this could > > easily be a much larger issue, and so I figured I'd bring it here for > > discussion. > > I'm not sure this is a larger issue so much as a reflection of the fact > that we haven't fully pulled everything in yet. That is to say, the docs > are in a not-yet complete state right now, so attempts to build any of them > (Runbook excepted) are going to be iffy. >
I'm not sure it's about that we haven't fully pulled everything in yet. I have tried to be careful to keep the build green as I do the conversion; for example, I've inserted only xrefs to files that are already converted. I'd say it's more a reflection of the fact that we're now trying to assemble various standalone books, as well as write some new content, so we are introducing errors that need debugging. Lots of testing by each contributor on local builds ought to help with this. Jessica T. CloudStack Tech Pubs > > As a side note, I started adding documents to be built in jenkins so > > we can start catching this kind of thing, but the log for > > cloudstack-dev-guide is good for this conversation. > > > > http://jenkins.cloudstack.org/job/build-docs-devguide-master/123/conso > > le > > I get a "Status Code: 404" page from this? > > > Curious as to your thoughts on this - do we just have lots of CI that > > catches it for us? Is there some way to catch this without CI? > > I don't think we need CI for this, really. Once docs are in a stable > state, it should be on the folks working with the docs to do a test > publican build to ensure that it doesn't break. I've been doing a test with the publican-all.cfg for all the stuff I've > done under docs, but not for each individual guide. > > Best, > > Joe > -- > Joe Brockmeier > http://dissociatedpress.net/ > Twitter: @jzb >