So we have a mass of xml files that are assembled into different
documents by other XML files.
So for something I was playing with locally, I built the developers
guide, or well, tried to. It failed (for multiple reasons) I fixed the
first, and started to fix the second, when I realized that this could
easily be a much larger issue, and so I figured I'd bring it here for

As a side note, I started adding documents to be built in jenkins so
we can start catching this kind of thing, but the log for
cloudstack-dev-guide is good for this conversation.

You'll see there is a link to a document, that within the developers
guide, doesn't exist. So building the document fails. I am sure that
we use that link in other documents, that we assemble but not in this

Curious as to your thoughts on this - do we just have lots of CI that
catches it for us? Is there some way to catch this without CI?


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