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Jamshid, what is the license on CAStorSDK.jar and jmdns-2.1.jar?  I presume 
CAStorSDK is one that you own -- what about the other one?  The license on 
dependent libraries affects whether we can build the code as part of the 
default build or not.  If it is an open-source license that is compatible with 
the Apache license then things are very easy, but otherwise things get more 

As general guidance:

The easiest thing to do is to license your code under the Apache license, or a 
compatible one such as BSD.  This will mean that we can have the default 
CloudStack build include support for your object store, which is obviously a 
big win.

The Apache Foundation won't allow code that requires proprietary libraries in 
the default configuration, so if you can't do this, then the feature would have 
to be off by default.  This isn't the end of the world, but it means that users 
would have to recompile CloudStack from source to enable your software.  This 
would be the case if that jar is only available to CAStor customers or 
otherwise not freely distributable.  We're going to have to turn off NetApp 
support in the default build for this reason, to give you an example.

I don't know if you know this, but we're trying to get a CloudStack 4.0 release 
together in the next month.  The deadline for feature freeze is today, with the 
deadline for sorting out all licensing issues being next week.  For your patch 
to get in, we'd have to get these license issues resolved very soon, and make 
an exception to the feature freeze.  If there is going to be any delay figuring 
out the licensing on these jars, would it be a problem if this patch didn't get 
into CloudStack 4.0?  If that's OK, it would go immediately on the list for 4.1 
instead.  That would give you time to sort out what you want to do here.

Please let me know what you're planning to do at this point, so that we can 
finalize the upcoming release.

- Ewan Mellor

On Aug. 9, 2012, 2:24 a.m., Jamshid Afshar wrote:
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:
> https://reviews.apache.org/r/6473/
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> (Updated Aug. 9, 2012, 2:24 a.m.)
> Review request for cloudstack.
> Description
> -------
> Below is the commit message. This is my first patch, let me know if I did 
> anything wrong or if e.g. using "storage.root" is not how configuring a new 
> storage backend should be done.
> Add initial support for Caringo's CAStor object storage as the S3 backend.
> Similar to the s3-hdfs example. Now storage.root can specify "castor"
> followed by a list of IP addresses for the nodes in the CAStor
> cluster. S3 operations will then create and read buckets and objects
> in CAStor instead of a file system.
> Diffs
> -----
>   awsapi/src/com/cloud/bridge/io/S3CAStorBucketAdapter.java PRE-CREATION 
>   awsapi/src/com/cloud/bridge/model/SHost.java 874b095 
>   awsapi/src/com/cloud/bridge/service/controller/s3/ServiceProvider.java 
> 7a36a4b 
>   awsapi/src/com/cloud/bridge/service/core/s3/S3Engine.java e8b73a4 
>   deps/awsapi-lib/CAStorSDK.jar PRE-CREATION 
>   deps/awsapi-lib/jmdns-2.1.jar PRE-CREATION 
> Diff: https://reviews.apache.org/r/6473/diff/
> Testing
> -------
> Tested a boto script I believe we got from Chiradeep (localhost_test.py) that 
> creates buckets and streams, does a range read and delete. I will continue to 
> do more testing 
> (http://wiki.cloudstack.org/display/QA/How+to+run+S3+Tests+against+CloudStack+S3+Implementation).
> Thanks,
> Jamshid Afshar

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