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Review request for cloudstack.


Below is the commit message. This is my first patch, let me know if I did 
anything wrong or if e.g. using "storage.root" is not how configuring a new 
storage backend should be done.

Add initial support for Caringo's CAStor object storage as the S3 backend.

Similar to the s3-hdfs example. Now storage.root can specify "castor"
followed by a list of IP addresses for the nodes in the CAStor
cluster. S3 operations will then create and read buckets and objects
in CAStor instead of a file system.


  awsapi/src/com/cloud/bridge/io/S3CAStorBucketAdapter.java PRE-CREATION 
  awsapi/src/com/cloud/bridge/model/SHost.java 874b095 
  awsapi/src/com/cloud/bridge/service/core/s3/S3Engine.java e8b73a4 
  deps/awsapi-lib/CAStorSDK.jar PRE-CREATION 
  deps/awsapi-lib/jmdns-2.1.jar PRE-CREATION 

Diff: https://reviews.apache.org/r/6473/diff/


Tested a boto script I believe we got from Chiradeep (localhost_test.py) that 
creates buckets and streams, does a range read and delete. I will continue to 
do more testing 


Jamshid Afshar

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