This shouldn't be a problem - you can send all Flask responses as JSON and 
it will work fine in CLJS.

>From Flask, have a look 

In Clojurescript, use for instance to 
read the JSON responses.

So something like this in your cljs:

(defn http-get-dispatch [request]
(go (let [response (<! (http/get (:url request)))]
(rf/dispatch (conj (:dispatch-key request) (:body response))))))

(rf/reg-fx :http-get-dispatch http-get-dispatch)

(fn [{:keys [db]} [_ x1 x2]] 
{:http-get-dispatch {:url (str "your-server-url?x1=" x1 "&x2=" x2)
:dispatch-key [:your-client-db-key]}}))

(fn [db [_ data]] (assoc db :your-client-db-key data)))

On Saturday, January 9, 2021 at 2:32:51 PM UTC wrote:

> Does somebody has experience serving ClojureScript (Re-Frame) through 
> Python Flask? Or even better integrating a Clojure app within an existing 
> Flask app ? I need to add a new module to an existing Flask app and I’d 
> like at least the frontend to be ClojureScript. What are the possibilities?
> Kind regards,
> Pascal

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