First some facts, without any evaluation:

There are only a handful of people in the world with authorization to edit
pages on  I would guess maybe only 5.

Far more have authorization to edit the wiki pages on --
hundreds, I think.  A subset of those who have signed a Clojure CA and
requested permission for editing those pages.

Writing good documentation and giving it away is time consuming,
painstaking, often thankless.  There are probably some rare individuals who
can write lots of good documentation in less than an hour per 'page full of
text', but I am not one of them, and I wouldn't be surprised if the typical
number is more like 5 to 10 person-hours per 'page full of text' for good
documentation.  It isn't just writing it the first time, but re-reading and
editing it 2 or 3 times, responding to requests to fix errors and
suggestions for improvement, and updating as new software versions obsolete
old documentation.

I do not know how many hours that Alex Miller has spent during the last 2
years editing the content on that exist today.  There is no
public change log I am aware of for its content like there is for the wiki
pages.  I suspect it is up in the many tens, at least.  This editing has
been in the form of adding new text, and clarifying and reorganizing
existing text, primarily, not in redesigning the look and feel of the site.

Now my personal commentary:

I am not 'in the know' on decisions regarding  I would guess
that from their point of view, they haven't tried to "shut down" a
differently-organized web site, but rather have decided to spend their time
on other efforts, given how considerable a job it is.

What I find more interesting than the portion of Sean Corfield's post that
you chose to quote, was this one (emphasis added by me):

Sean Corfield wrote:
The "rough edges" show up on a lot of things in the Clojure ecosystem. I
know I suck at documentation which is why I moved’s
documentation out to which can be
maintained by the community through Pull Requests etc. *In two years, there
have been just two small changes from the community: the rest of the
updates are from me, despite several people complaining about the
documentation being unclear or insufficient.*


On Wed, May 6, 2015 at 11:34 AM, Tj Gabbour <> wrote:

> On Wednesday, May 6, 2015 at 6:34:15 PM UTC+2, Sean Corfield wrote:
>> The issue has been raised several times and is pretty much always shut
>> down by "those in charge". It was a huge struggle just to have the Getting
>> Started page updated to remove complexity and point at the wiki instead
>> (although the wiki is also _horrible_ from the point of view of new users).
>  Did they ever articulate reasons? (Even if vague/brief?)
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