2015-03-12 12:15 GMT+01:00 Jozef Wagner <jozef.wag...@gmail.com>:

> Experiment #5: Reducers First
Wow! There are some great ideas on how to unify reducers with lazy-seq.

Have there yet been thoughts on how reduce-kv could fit in a reducer stack?

Obviously, the notion of a transducer could be extended to allow distinct
input- and output arities, which would fit into reducing-fn arities > 2.
But could this be made to interact smoothly with tuple-taking and
-producing functions?

I've done some exploratory programming on this in the past [1], and it
turned out a pretty decent map-handling lib, that comes in handy
frequently. Still, only the formulation of transducers opened my eyes to
the possibility of efficient multiple-return-values by using transducers in
the style of reduce-kv.

kind regards

[1] https://github.com/webnf/webnf/blob/master/base/src/webnf/kv.clj

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