On 7 December 2014 at 05:13, Andy L <core.as...@gmail.com> wrote:

>> The SoftCache uses a ConcurrentHashMap, but that caching option isn't
>> used in core.memoize. Are you building a custom memoizer?
> WRT ConcurrentHashMap, it was an incorrect conclusion on my part. In any
> case, I fail to see "thread safety" in the cache implementation, but again
> I could be wrong. Or it might not be needed for 99.99% cache use cases.
> Also, at that point I would like to avoid to "defcache" my own version.

Most of the cache implementations in core.cache have no side-effects. They
simply return a new cache rather than overwriting the old one. The memoize
library places the cache in an atom, so it's guaranteed to change

> So I ended up with this (this is my first LISP macro ever, so please be
> gentle :-) :
> (defmacro when-map-future-swap! [a k f]
>   `(locking ~a
>      (when (not (contains? @~a ~k))
>        (swap! ~a assoc ~k nil)
>        (future (swap! ~a assoc  ~k (~f ~k)))
>        )
>      )
>   )

You could write this as a function. There's nothing in there that requires
a macro.

(defn when-map-future-swap! [a k f]
  (locking a
    (when-not (contains? @a k)
      (swap! a assoc k nil)
      (future (swap! a assoc k (f k))))))

But I'd personally just use a delay rather than "locking" for this purpose.

- James

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