It sounds like you want a delay. Delays are guaranteed to execute their
body only once, so we can combine a delay with an atom:

(defn memoized [f]
  (comp deref (memoize (fn [& args] (delay (apply f args)))))

In theory that should produce a memoize that executes the function only
once for each set of arguments.

- James

On 6 December 2014 at 21:32, Andy L <> wrote:

> Hi,
> Here is the situation. There is a function "f" retrieving some data from
> various sources (including reading files, a lot of io, e.g. map-reduce)
> expected by design to return the same result for given input. Results of
> "f" invocation from parallely running futures are stored in an atom wrapped
> map and everything works just fine.
> With a small exception when "f" invocations with the same arguments
> overlap  - the same expensive "io" is kicked off 2 or more time s. Not a
> tragedy, but still very unpleasant and wasteful. The expectation would be
> that a subsequent "f" call would just bail without doing anything while
> initial invocation assoc new data into an atom,
> The first intuition was to use memoize, however I do not think its
> semantics fit well into this case, since the result is a "side-effect" on
> an atom as opposed to return value.
> The easiest solution, is to create another atom with a map of the
> arguments into a "state". If some other "future" is already there working
> hard on the problem, we simply bail. However, that leads to another problem.
> "compare-and-set!" just operates on atoms as wholes, which is fine for
> unstructured data, but .... falls short for things somewhat more complex,
> like here.
> While updating an atom in this context is trivial:
> user=> (def a (atom {}))
> user=> (swap! a assoc ["arg1" "arg2"] :PENDING)
> {["arg1" "arg2"] "resultA"}
> I would like to link the condition and future together somehow like that:
> user=> (when ((complement contains?) @a ["arg1" "arg3"]) (swap! a assoc
> ["arg1" "arg3"] :PENDING ))
> That obviously will not work, unless I wrap it with "locking", which is
> not necessarily a nice thing to do. I also tried to use refs here, however
> they do not fit well here either and the solution is not as nice as it
> could be.
> After that long introduction, I would like ask for some insight ....
> Thanks in advance ...
> Best,
> Andy
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