Isn't this a more fundamental problem tho'...:

(def x 0)

(or (zero? x) (/ 100 x)) ;; true

(alt-or (zero? x) (/ 100 x)) ;; java.lang.ArithmeticException: Divide by zero


On Feb 20, 2014, at 4:58 AM, Niels van Klaveren <> 

> The result wouldn't return faster if the input is an infinite list.
> Ah, I see the gotcha now. If you don't implement or as a macro, all arguments 
> will be evaluated before or is invoked. Macro-expansion won't evaluate later 
> arguments if a former one short-circuits, of course.
> I'd only tested this with lazy-sequences, not functions over them..
> (or true (apply + (range)))
> => true
> (alt-or true (apply + (range)))

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