On Wed, Feb 19, 2014 at 10:02 AM, Niels van Klaveren <
niels.vanklave...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Currently, *and* and *or *are implemented as macro's, and cannot be used
> in *apply *or as function parameters. Related functions like *every?* and
> *some* are implemented either on the basis of *or* or recursion over lazy
> sequences. These choices were made because they all need to be able to
> short-circuit, which could be hard in previous clojure versions.
> From 1.5 we have the *reduced* function though, which enables
> short-circuiting *reduce *functions. Since I couldn't find much examples
> of *reduced*, I started experimenting a bit to find out it's usages. One
> of the things I found was that it was pretty easy to create reduced based
> functions for the above, so they could be used with *apply *and as
> function parameters. I came up with the following:
> (defn alt-or
>   ([] nil)
>   ([& args] (reduce (fn [_ s] (if s s (reduced s))) nil args)))
> (defn alt-and
>   ([] nil)
>   ([& args] (reduce (fn [_ s] (if s (reduced s) s)) nil args)))
> (defn alt-every?
>   [pred coll]
>   (reduce (fn [_ s] (let [t (boolean (pred s))] (if t t (reduced t)))) true 
> coll))
> (defn alt-some
>   [pred coll]
>   (reduce (fn [_ s] (let [t (pred s)] (if t (reduced t) t))) nil coll))
The definitions of alt-or and alt-and are swapped:

(alt-or false true) and (alt-or true false) both return false, (but (and)
is true, and both (alt-and) and (alt-or) are false).

(alt-and true false) and (alt-and false true) both return true.

> Another idea was that this way I could also make core.reducers based
> versions. Of course this would mean that sometimes you would evaluate too
> much tests, but since this would happen in parallel, in general the result
> would return faster. *Am I right in presuming that, or am I overlooking
> some very basic argument against them (I'm pretty good at that) ?*

The result wouldn't return faster if the input is an infinite list.

Ben Wolfson
"Human kind has used its intelligence to vary the flavour of drinks, which
may be sweet, aromatic, fermented or spirit-based. ... Family and social
life also offer numerous other occasions to consume drinks for pleasure."
[Larousse, "Drink" entry]

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