I just wanted to share my experience, I don't know if it's relatable to
your current situation.

I picked it up last weekend because I needed to put together a very
quick web application for work, and I'd previously considered doing it
in Clojure, but was dissuaded because it looked like there wasn't a
good, prescribed, easy way to make a dead-simple CRUD business app.
Basically I just needed to make a web interface to a database, because
the larger system I'm working on is mostly dealing with databases and I
couldn't convince my boss to use the existing interface (running psql
in the terminal).

I haven't written any Clojure before.  I had earmarked some future
parts of the project to try it out (there's some data modeling that
seems like it will be a good fit for core.logic, and I'm testing out
using Datomic as a datastore), but so far the rest of my project is
implemented in Haskell and Racket, and I wasn't keen on using either of
those for putting together a web application.

I figured that if I read it over the weekend and built all the sample
applications, I should be able to piece together enough of an
understanding of how Clojure worked to get my site up. The book was
perfectly acceptable in that regard. I went through all the examples
and yesterday got a working version of the web app up and deployed
(again, it's really a very very simple view on the database, with some
light form entry). Now I'll spend the next couple days making it look
better and hooking it into the larger system.

So, even as someone who was totally new to Clojure, I was able to get a
very simple web application up that did real work in a couple of hours.

I will say that I think the author's decision to use LightTable for the
first project caused a lot of avoidable problems. I think LightTable
looks great, and I am starting to enjoy using it, but it's still being
updated fairly frequently, and even though the author references some
other editors/ide's in an appendix, all the interactions with the REPL
are explained using LightTable.

There's already a bunch of errata on the book page of people running
into issues with LightTable and the code examples (which are easy
enough to fix, but I think people just starting out would do themselves
a favor and just run a REPL from Leiningen and use whatever text editor
they want.

After a couple of days, I'm starting to get the hang of it, but I don't
know if it's a great "out of the box" experience for folks who are new
to all of this.

Also, for what it's worth, I'm really liking Clojure so far. I'm not
quite ready to order the special Nike's, but it seems like a very
thoughtful language.


On Wed, Feb 19, 2014, at 10:54 AM, Erlis Vidal wrote:

Hi all,

Have any of you read the book Web Development with Clojure?


There's only one review on amazon, and it's a fantastic review but I'm
wondering if this is the book I should read if I wanted to start using
Clojure for web programming.

Any advice will be greatly appreciated.



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1. http://www.amazon.com/Web-Development-Clojure-Build-Bulletproof/dp/1937785645
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