Yeah, it was sometime in the 90s. The only workaround I could think of was
maybe to create a single compilation unit for template use, and there
derive a trivial subclass of each used template specialization, then use
that subclass elsewhere in lieu of the template. Needless to say, not a
solution that scales nicely to any substantial team effort, because of the
coordination problem involved in discovering when two team members are
specializing the same template the same way (hopefully, earlier than when
linkage errors break the build!), then adding it to the central file of
template specialization subclasses, then communicating to *everyone* to use
this new class instead of a particular template with particular parameters
... and once everyone's including the same unit (with these subclasses)
there'd be a giant temptation to start shoving everything else widely
referenced into there as well, including the kitchen sink, until it turned
into a "god object" with all of the headaches *that* entails. And sooner or
later the thing would grow unwieldy, leading to duplications bloating
generated code size; or we'd have one single unit using some template
directly at the end, also causing duplication. And if all went *well* the
end result would contain not tidy vector<int>s and similarly regular and
understandable C++, but vec_of_int and other nonstandard class names
instead, leading to head-scratching among the maintenance programmers.
Doubly so if the names ended up being less than fully self-explanatory,
such as if hash_map<const char *,int,my_case_insensitive_hash,stricmp> was
used to derive a trivial extension that got named person_salary because of
its use in employee_directory.cpp and payroll.cpp ... and then wound up
used also in orderform.cpp for SKU-quantity mapping, and in
storelocator.cpp for store location-number of widgets in stock, and etc.,
later on down the line when other string to integer mappings started being

On Sun, Dec 29, 2013 at 6:04 PM, Sean Corfield <>wrote:

> That must have been a long time ago? That problem was solved well
> before I left the C++ committee in '99 and gcc was normally pretty
> good at tracking the emerging standard at the time...
> But, yes, the template compilation model and it's impact on linking
> modules that specialized the same template had been problematic
> earlier on.
> On Sun, Dec 29, 2013 at 2:30 PM, Cedric Greevey <>
> wrote:
> > (Incidentally, it was template woes that eventually broke the camel's
> back
> > for me with C++. I gave up on C++ when I found that one of the most
> > widely-used free software C++ compilers would give duplicate definition
> > errors at link time if the same template was used with the same
> parameters
> > in two separate compilation units, and the developers had *no sane fix or
> > workaround* or even an ETA on a fix...imagine if importing java.util.Map
> and
> > using Map<String,Integer> in and also importing java.util.Map
> and
> > using Map<String,Integer> in and then running something using
> both
> > classes Foo and Bar had resulted in linkage errors instead of two classes
> > coexisting at runtime that both used Map<String,Integer>s. Java 1.5 would
> > have never gotten off the ground! But this C++ compiler -- and yes, it
> was
> > then-current gcc -- would do exactly that if you #included hash_map and
> used
> > hash_map<const char *,int,some_string_hashfn,strcmp> in two compilation
> > units.)
> --
> --
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