Very exaustive comment, that reminded me of a beautiful series of articles 
by Jacob Kaplan-Moss on "Writing great 
There is a 

Il giorno lunedì 11 novembre 2013 07:04:09 UTC+1, Cedric Greevey ha scritto:
> IMO it can often be a lack of readable, searchable, nice-to-navigate 
> text/hypertext that can be a barrier to entry. In fact all of these are 
> unfortunately common in various parts of the geekosphere:
> 1. Projects whose *only* documentation (or the only version of certain key 
> information) is in videos. Not searchable. Not easy to navigate to a 
> particular part (need to remember roughly when it is, or rewatch half the 
> thing). Expensive for mobile users with capped or per-megabyte data plans.
> 2. Projects whose *only* documentation is reference-type material that 
> does not introduce the library/whatever to total n00bs. A common case is 
> for there to be beautifully detailed Javadoc for every public class, 
> method, and constant in some Java library, but nothing to give a n00b a 
> clue as to where to start using it. Sometimes it's fairly obvious (there's 
> a problem domain class Foo that it makes sense to instantiate first, and 
> that class has a public constructor, has a public static getInstance 
> method, or sits next to a FooFactory class in the same package, and this is 
> well-documented) but often it's not. Regardless, it would be preferable for 
> there to be a "getting started" guide. With a textual version that can be 
> searched with grep or other tools.
> 3. Projects whose *only* documentation is a getting-started guide, tour, 
> tutorial, or similar. When one knows the basic patterns of usage but wants 
> to recall the argument order for the (burbling-mumblefrotz ...) function, 
> having to find where it was introduced in a tutorial (which chapter? The 
> one on mumbling or the one on burbling? Near the start, middle, or end? 
> Page 2 or 29???) is a pain in the neck. A reference is organized 
> differently, for making a specific known entity easy to re-find. Javadocs 
> and Clojure docstrings are good for this.
> In particular:
> * Every key fact, example, or other piece of documentation should exist 
> somewhere in a form that Google can find on the web and grep can find in 
> your local copy if you make one. And that local copy shouldn't cost a 
> fortune to download and a ton-lot of disk space to keep, nor should it be a 
> pain in the ass to scroll forward and backward through. Ideally, it should 
> be browseable on a fairly low-spec machine if need be, as well, even one 
> that makes video playback stutter at 3 FPS.
> * There needs to be two differently organized written forms of 
> documentation: one oriented around discovering how to do X, for people that 
> don't know the name of the function, class, method, or other entity that 
> does X; and one oriented around specifying precisely the usage, behavior, 
> and applicable preconditions/gotchas/etc. of a particular function, method, 
> class, or whatever that one *does* know the name to. The latter is 
> typically partly machine-generated and organized hierarchically and 
> alphabetically by package/namespace and name. The former tends to be mainly 
> human-authored and often linear, or at most a few branches, of exposition, 
> which shows how the parts are interrelated and how to build up from those 
> parts to useful working systems of some sort.
> Videos do have their uses, but should not be regarded as *substitutes* for 
> either written reference documentation or written tutorial documentation, 
> and the latter are not substitutes for one another. I'd regard a lack of 
> good *written* introductory material as a much worse barrier to entry than 
> a lack of good videos, where the subject matter lends itself to textual 
> exposition (math, programming). (That last restriction of scope is 
> necessary; no amount of written material telling people how to play golf, 
> for instance, is likely to beat a good video showing a proper stance and 
> backswing. Gross motor skills in general benefit strongly from, at minimum, 
> video clips of key moves/actions. Most things benefit from the occasional 
> illustrative still image, however.)
> On Sun, Nov 10, 2013 at 10:10 AM, Ryan Waters <<javascript:>
> > wrote:
>> Thank you Saravana.  I'm finding a number of the posts David Nolen [1] 
>> has written on his blog to be invaluable.  Once I figure out what mix of 
>> libraries I'll be using I can let you know!
>> [1]
>> On Sat, Nov 9, 2013 at 12:33 PM, Ryan Neufeld 
>> <<javascript:>
>> > wrote:
>>> Stuart Halloway is doing a presentation and we’ll be dumping a lot more 
>>> new stuff into the repository. I made a mistake in saying we had an 
>>> announcement, it’s more just that we’ll be talking more publicly about what 
>>> we’re working on following next week.
>>> -Ryan 
>>> On November 8, 2013 at 5:39:34 PM, Andreas Liljeqvist 
>>> (<javascript:>) 
>>> wrote:
>>>  Will there by any presentation on Pedestal, or just announcements?
>>> On Fri, Nov 8, 2013 at 1:38 AM, Ryan Neufeld 
>>> <<javascript:>
>>> > wrote:
>>>> Speaking as a core Pedestal team member and engineer at Cognitect I can 
>>>> say we are *very* serious about continuing to grow and support 
>>>> Pedestal. It may be quiet, but we're using the entirety of Pedestal with a 
>>>> number of client and are fervently preparing a number of new features and 
>>>> improvements we plan to announce at the Conj next week. Further, we've 
>>>> even 
>>>> begun selling commercial support that includes Pedestal[1]. 
>>>> ClojureScript One was a huge influence on pedestal-app, but you're 
>>>> completely right that we've abandoned it and should probably wind things 
>>>> down there.
>>>> Are there any other questions I can field while I'm here?
>>>>  -Ryan
>>>> [1]: 
>>>> On Thursday, November 7, 2013 5:30:59 PM UTC-5, Marko Kocić wrote: 
>>>>> Hi all, 
>>>>> I'd like to hear opinions about Pedestal from the people that have 
>>>>> been playing more with it. Right now I started looking at it, and like 
>>>>> some 
>>>>> of the things, but not sure should I invest more time learning it. While 
>>>>> I 
>>>>> do like some concepts, I'm not sure is it going to became abandonware 
>>>>> like 
>>>>> Clojurescript One (does anyone reemembers it anymore).
>>>>> So far, after initial splash, I haven't seen large community interest 
>>>>> in it. The number of aproachable getting started guides and hands on 
>>>>> tutorials is missing. That might change over time, but I'm afraid that 
>>>>> next 
>>>>> year this time we'll get another Clojurescript one page application 
>>>>> framework not much related with Pedestal. How serious Cognitect/Relevance 
>>>>> is about it?
>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>> Marko
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