So what I'm gathering (I'm still trying to grok) is that clojure-metal is 
an approach that somewhat parallels PyPy, except in Clojure, and except 
that instead of defining a type-inferrable subset RClojure, you instead 
define an internal DSL via mjolnir that allows you to specify the types 
within Clojure?  But unlike RPython which can run as a CPython program 
without any special handling, the mjolnir DSL is only intended to be run as 
a bytecode generator.  Is that about right?  I'm wondering, if the 
intention is to parallel PyPy, but use Clojure instead, would a more 
generic thing to do be to start with PyPy toolchain, but abstract it so 
that the input is not RPython, but rather any type-inferrable language and 
a corresponding AST generator, and make it so that PyPy is no longer 
Python-specific at all?  (Well except the toolchain code would still be 
python, but that's just an implementation detail).  So from that toolchain 
it'd be possible to define RuRu, CloClo, maybe dynamic MLML or CC, or of 
course cross-version CloML or RuC?  Or is the PyPy toolchain still too 
specific to "Python-like" languages that it'd produce something suboptimal 
for Clojure and other languages?

On Thursday, May 30, 2013 8:15:29 PM UTC+8, tbc++ wrote:
> No, you're not missing something. In the past I've turned down the idea of 
> using RPython due to the lack of threading support. But in the past year 
> major, major headway has been made (as you mentioned) so perhaps RPython 
> isn't as crazy of an idea after all. 
> As far as a GC goes, yes, RPython can use one of many JITs, with a 
> simple command-line switch, the RPython translator can create binaries that 
> use reference counting, Boehm GCs or a custom mark-and-sweep generational 
> (compacting?) GC. The only downside is that IIRC the more complex GCs are 
> not yet thread-safe. But once again, major work is being done there. 

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