On Fri, Mar 29, 2013 at 5:49 AM, Mikera <mike.r.anderson...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I decided to benchmark JVM startup again, in case of any doubt, and because
> I see plenty of FUD on this issue.

Sorry, I don't mean to spread any FUD.  I'm just being loose with the
phrase "start-up time".  You're right, I should be more precise in my
terminology.  FWIW, I think when people talk about this, they're doing
the same thing: including the class loading overhead for something
other than the most trivial of examples.

> As you can see JVM startup is 0.1s or less: in fact the entire execution of
> Hello World took 0.1 sec on my machine. Note that this is the server VM. I
> did about 20 successive runs which were all in the 0.08 to 0.12 sec range.

Yes.  It's about double that on my machine, but within reach.

>> I certainly don't see that.  I've measured this more than a few times,
>> and it's several seconds for a simple "Hello World" Java application
>> on any machine that I can touch.  Additionally, on an embedded system,
>> I'm not going to have the same kind of CPU power.  For instance, the
>> current processor we use runs at 400MHz instead of your desktop's
>> 3GHz.
> I suggest you recheck your measurement approach / configuration. See above
> :-)

Okay.  I pushed up a barebones example of a command line application
here: https://github.com/jszakmeister/barebones

Really, it's just Clojure plus tools.cli, and a small snippet in main.
 Running this 10 times, I'm seeing about 3.07s on my machine to
execute this example.  I built in with "lein2 uberjar", and did:

:: time java -jar target/barebones-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT-standalone.jar
{:faux bar, :help false}
Hello, World!
java -jar target/barebones-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT-standalone.jar  3.09s user
0.28s system 186% cpu 1.804 total

:: java -version
java version "1.6.0_43"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_43-b01-447-10M4203)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 20.14-b01-447, mixed mode)

> Agreed that any embedded processor is likely much slower than a PC (mine is
> a laptop in fact). And IO speed probably makes a big difference as well if
> there are caching effects / large .jar files to load.


> Agreed - the JVM is a poor fit for very tightly constrained environments.
> Excited to see what you can achieve here!
> Just don't knock the JVM unfairly, it is one of the best tools we have :-)

I don't mean to do that.  The JVM is an amazing piece of software.  I
just happen to be in circles where folks believe it's the answer to
everything, and unfortunately, it's not.  It has some limitations and
it isn't well-suited to every problem.  Even at 100ms for the start-up
time, that's still pretty non-trivial for a command line application.
The real question is whether we can get something like the barebones
example to fire up and run in a similar amount of time.

As you said: I'm excited to see what can be achieved in this space!


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