On 24/03/13 22:59, Andy Fingerhut wrote:
It might not be obvious at first, but Clojure's "immutable" types are *not* immutable in the sense of "they cannot be modified in place from within the JVM", but only in the sense of "they cannot be modified in place by using Clojure's functions alone on them". This surprised me at first when I learned it. For example, try this at a REPL:

user=> (def v [1 2 3])
user=> (class v)
user=> v
[1 2 3]
user=> (aset (.tail v) 1 -2)
user=> v
[1 -2 3]

OMG! I read your message very quickly late last night and honestly I thought you were pulling my leg...I just tried this at a repl though, and you're indeed right...Am I the only one who finds this slightly disturbing? For almost 4 years, I've been hearing of how beautifully immutable (and performant) clojure's data-structures are. Being able to modify a vector in-place contradicts all that doesn't it? How can something be immutable when it exposes a public field (.tail) that can be mutated in place? Why is tail public anyway?

I feel like the ground has disappeared right under my feet...All the beautiful characteristics/properties of clojrue's collections seem to go hand in hand with proper usage rather than enforced immutability. Even though that is a 'win', it's not a big one since one can argue that an arraylist which is not mutated in place can serves the purpose equally good...

Moreover, consider the following scenario:

-someone has heard about clojure's collections and wants to use them from Java. -he opens up his favourite IDE, imports Clojure and starts using a persistent vector-let's call it 'v'. -he types 'v.' and the IDE autocomplete feature immediately comes up with suggestions. -he immediately notices that .tail is accessible and assumes that this is the proper way of 'updating' the vector.
-now, the persistence has disappeared completely hasn't it?

what is the point in that? Why do we call it 'persistent' when the persistence is only guaranteed through proper usage? Isn't an arraylist persistent if I use it as such?

I am seriously puzzled...I gave a presentation about Clojure last year at Manchester University and the thing I spent the most time on was the foundation of Clojure - its data-structures. I basically concluded that this is the 1 thing in Clojure that essentially makes everything else play nicely... I feel slightly 'betrayed' now...ok 'betrayed' may be a bit of a stretch but you get the idea...I can no longer claim that Clojure's collections are values, can I?


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