
   I use  Everything <http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/Everything>  to find 
files in project.  Just type a part of the name, all files filter by your 
typing  listed for you to choose from.  Something like Eclipse's
   Ctrl +Shift + R (or Command + Shift + R on mac) . But you need some time 
to set it up.  
 my config for your reference.

   rainbow-delimiters is helpful for my lisp coding.

On Wednesday, January 16, 2013 10:29:36 PM UTC+8, Colin Yates wrote:
> Hi all,
> After 15 off years of using IDEs I am making the jump into Emacs.  I have 
> read http://dev.clojure.org/display/doc/Getting+Started+with+Emacs and 
> https://github.com/technomancy/emacs-starter-kit and I am just at the 
> point where I have stopped yelling at paredit and starting to appreciate 
> its point.
> My current major stumbling block though is navigating my project.  Whilst 
> (I expect) the density and sane namespacing capabilities of Clojure to 
> significantly reduce the number of files, that isn't true of everything. 
>  In particular, ExtJS encourages you to follow the "one file per class". 
>  You don't have to but eventually you will have more than a handful of 
> files regardless.  
> So my questions:
>  - is there a decent project explorer.  I really miss the "tree on the 
> left, editor on the right" layout
>  - is there a decent JS and clojure autocompletion aware plugin
>  - other than paredit, nrepl and clojure-mode (and the excellent 
> coffee-mode for coffeescript), what other plugins should I install
> Thanks all.
> Col
> P.S>  Please don't turn this into a flame war :)

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