On Monday, November 19, 2012 2:55:40 PM UTC-5, Kyle Burton wrote:
> clj-xpath is a library that makes it easier to with XPath from Clojure.
> I've never announced this library before (or any for that matter). 
>  Someone recently sent me a pull request to fix an issue in the README 
> (during the Conj) so I thought I'd announce it to solicit feedback.
Nice. Thanks for posting, Kyle.

> The Leiningen coordiates are:
>   [org.clojars.kyleburton/clj-xpath "1.3.3"]
Just curious, why isn't that just [clj-xpath "1.3.3"]? Searching clojars, 
you seem to have uploaded 1.3.0 a while back...


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