I'm not sure if anyone's already done this, but I recently got tired of 
writing code that looked like this:

(let [a 1]

(ns cljutils.core)

(defn- form-check
  "Ensures the form represents an assignment.
Such as (:= a 1)"
   (= 3 (count form))
   (= := (first form))
   (symbol? (second form))))

(defn- iblk-fn
  "Simulates imperative variable-assignments through nested
let statements."
  [& forms]
  (let [form (first forms)
        rforms (rest forms)]
    (if-not form
      ;; Else
         ~@(if (form-check form)
             `((let [~(second form) ~(nth form 2)]
                 ~(apply iblk-fn rforms)))
             (let [[f r] (split-with (comp not form-check) forms)]
                 (apply iblk-fn r))))))))

(defmacro -:>
  [& forms]
  (apply iblk-fn forms))

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