Not sure about the community, but I personally would be very interested in having a machine learning library or environment in Clojure.
I'm playing with classification and clustering of academic papers, and use clojure for the whole research cycle - crawling and parsing the data from the web, text processing (through weka or mallet), classification (through svm-clj), and, of course, setting up the experiments, and doing input-output between other tools. I was also thinking it would be nice to have Incanter extended with machine learning algorithms. So far it looks like its focus has been statistics rather then machine learning. On Sunday, July 15, 2012 7:10:22 PM UTC+2, Joshua Bowles wrote: > > New to Clojure (but not Lisp). > > Does anyone have a good sense of the interest in machine learning in > Clojure community? > I've seen in the last few threads some interesting posts and libraries > related to machine learning, and there is plenty of stuff one can get from > Java (mahout, weka, clj-ml [ >]), but I'm curious to > know if anyone here has a sense of the overall community interest. > > It's nice to see interesting libraries that support needed tasks for > machine learning (I'm all for links to libraries), but what I'm really > trying to get is* a sense of the overall interest the community has in > machine learning*. For example, Python community overall has a lot of > interest in scientific computing and machine learning. Compare this to > Ruby... not that you couldn't provide good libraries in Ruby (for example > the SciRuby project), but the Ruby community overall does not seem to have > much interest in these kinds of academic pursuits. > -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Clojure" group. To post to this group, send email to Note that posts from new members are moderated - please be patient with your first post. To unsubscribe from this group, send email to For more options, visit this group at