Hi Brad, I've updated my doc with your questions.  Here is how I responded 
to your particular queries.  Note the answer may not be correct as I'm a 
clojure newbie myself.


Leiningen is a build tool like maven for java, or rake (i think) for
ruby.  You can use it to publish your jar into maven repositories for 

Slime is a protocol that lets you communicate from emacs to a
listening server.  In clojure, we start a swank server, which is the
clojure REPL process, and connect to it from emacs, speaking 'slime'.
The net effect is that we can have a REPL inside our emacs editor.


On Thursday, June 21, 2012 5:58:23 PM UTC-7, brad bowman wrote:
> On Thursday, June 21, 2012 12:58:19 PM UTC+10, John Gabriele wrote:
>> On Jun 18, 10:23 pm, Chris Zheng <zcaud...@gmail.com> wrote: 
>> > {snip} 
>> > So basically, if a 'lead clojure evangelist' can either 'officially' or 
>> > 'unofficially' recommend ONE emacs setup, along with a bunch of 
>> > videos/tutorials that demonstrate how to code and how fast it is to 
>> design 
>> > and code using the repl. Then that be enough to get people at least 
>> > interested. 
>> People are very opinionated about their editor/IDE. I think the Getting 
>> +Started docs are good --- they separate: 
>>   * if you want just Emacs plus the repl, here you go (clojure-mode 
>> readme) 
>>   * if you want Emacs + inferior-lisp, do this (this doc needs work) 
>>   * if you want Emacs + swank/slime, do this (swank-clojure readme) 
>> and of course also info on Eclipse, Clooj, and other editors/ide's as 
>> well. 
> I'm right at the start of this process, completely unfamiliar with Clojure,
> Leiningen, Emacs, Java and all of the projects with cute names.
> I don't even know what I want.
> I've cut and pasted various git-clone and lein commands, but have no idea
> about the bigger picture.  I'm happy to dawdle along on my own, but if my
> current (and hopefully temporary) ignorance can provide feedback on a
> start-up guide then let me know.
> At present I'm often wondering "what is this thing? why do I want it?".
> Slime for example.  I don't especially want answers here, but something 
> like
> a glossary for the clojure ecosystem would be handy (not that I've looked 
> hard).
> Another document that might useful is a platform Rosetta stone
> matching clojure tools and libraries to those that fill a similar role in 
> other
> languages (Java and Ruby for starters).  This is more of a "nice to have".
> Thanks,
> Brad

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