Thank you both..
This information was really helpful.

On Oct 20, 6:05 pm, Andy Fingerhut <> wrote:
> I would suspect that you would not get a _significant_ performance advantage
> from specifying processor affinity, but if you really want to measure it and
> find out by experimentation, read on.
> I was not able to find any portable way within a JVM to set processor
> affinity, after some amount of Googling on the Internet about a year ago.
> There might be some ways that are specific to some JVMs, but I didn't find
> any then.
> If you want to set the processor affinity for an arbitrary process running
> on Linux, whether it is a JVM or not, you can do so with a sched_affinity()
> call in a little wrapper process that starts up the process for you.
> According to the StackOverflow discussion linked below, user tgamblin found
> that sched_affinity() semantics can vary across Linux distributions.  They
> mention a Portable Linux Processor Affinity library that may be useful,
> although I haven't tried it myself.  They mention that for some
> high-performance parallel applications, e.g. using the MPI library, it is
> common practice to manually specify processor affinity.
> Note that if you benchmark manually setting processor affinity vs. not, note
> that benchmarking this with programs that use very little memory (e.g. an
> infinite loop that just counts iterations) will likely not show as much
> difference as a benchmark that has significant usage of the on-chip CPU
> instruction and/or data cache, so that switching the scheduling of the
> thread to a different CPU core actually causes significant cache misses
> after being "moved".
> Andy
> On Thu, Oct 20, 2011 at 11:41 AM, Tim Robinson <>wrote:
> > This may not be a Clojure specific kind of question, but this is for
> > my Clojure web app(s) so hopefully it's not too far off.
> > Currently when I deploy my web apps I run 1 app instance on 1 app
> > server. Given these are multi-core servers I am thinking about running
> > 4 app instances on a server to get max IO capabilities at a lower
> > cost.  (Note that I currently using nginx, to route requests to a
> > Clojure/Ring+Jetty web app on a specified port. I am expecting that in
> > order to run 4 app instances I will need to load balance within nginx
> > to each port and also set the processor affinity for each app instance
> > to ensure they are balanced across cores).
> > So here are my questions:
> > 1. Does this idea make sense? why/whynot?
> > 2. Do you do currently do this for your web apps and can you provide
> > any insight/experiences that could be helpful?
> > 3. Is there a way to specify processor affinity within the
> > application, such that I wouldn't need to manually set them
> > afterwards?
> > 4. Are there better ideas to accomplish the same kind of thing?
> > Thanks for any help/ideas.
> > Tim
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