Miki <miki.teb...@gmail.com> writes:

>> It isn't nearly as big a deal as you think it is. I'm guessing you have a 
>> single file called 'fs.clj' with the namespace 'fs', right?
>> mkdir src/fs/
>> mv src/fs.clj src/fs/core.clj
> and then edit the file and change the namespace to fs.core. 
> I know it's easy to do, I just don't think I should do it.

More power to you, I personally don't particularly care about Java
interop (pretty sure Java has enough file system utilities) and I'd
rather not type ".core" all over the place.  If it wasn't for the soft
paternalism of lein I wouldn't user .core at all.

> I'd appreciate some comments about need functionality, bugs, code reviews 
> and such.

I have one question, is there any documentation available for the
functions provided by fs?  I would love a place where I could go to scan
the available functions, other than the source code.

Thanks -- Eric

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