On Sat, Oct 30, 2010 at 10:13 AM, Bob Hutchison <hutch-li...@recursive.ca>wrote:

> In the short term it seems to me that an "absurdly easy" way to get
> websocket/comet based servers running in Clojure would be good. At least I'd
> be happy. This problem is staring me in the face and I've got to do
> something next week. What do I do? node.js (done in 5 minutes) or somehow
> get Aleph/Ring/Clojure working? or Mongrel2/Ring/Clojure? or
> ZeroMQ/Ring/Clojure? or what? That's the kind of problem *I* am having to
> deal with

Setting up Aleph to to build a WebSocket app takes about 5 minutes. There's
an example that's bundled with the library.


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