At 12:09 PM 12/20/2009, Richard Newman wrote:

>I think most of the active Clojure community ranges from not caring to  
>genuinely liking s-expression notation,

And all the way to disliking the replacement of many parens
with square brackets in the syntax.  That's why I, a pendant
who prior to now has religiously referred to this family of
languages as LISPs (LISt Processing), calls Clojure the
first Lisp.

>The same goes for infix math; lots of beginners start writing an infix  
>math library, and by the time they're done they've become familiar  
>with prefix notation and no longer want their new library.

This is a telling point.  No such library has to my (limited)
knowledge ever become popular, and you would think this is
where the idea would get the most traction.

>Back on the topic: McCarthy originally intended Lisp to have an Algol- 
>ish syntax (m-expressions), but nobody ever finished the work because  
>they found s-expressions to be sufficient:
>> The project of defining M-expressions precisely and compiling them  
>> or at least translating them into S-expressions was neither  
>> finalized nor explicitly abandoned. It just receded into the  
>> indefinite future, and a new generation of programmers appeared who  
>> preferred internal notation to any FORTRAN-like or ALGOL-like  
>> notation that could be devised.
>> — John McCarthy[1], History of Lisp
>I think a lot of people would benefit from learning the lessons of  

Indeed.  Although I think the above ends during the punched
card FORTRAN subroutine period of LISP.  To draw in Sean Devlin's
excellent point about REPLs, as I remember, not long after
this period someone realized you could add read and print to
eval and get an interpreter.

One general principle I've noted is that when you have a
design that solves problems you didn't know you had, you should
pay attention.
                                        - Harold

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