Precedence is an overrated thing. You dont run into that issue every day.
When we do we have the support of (). So, a developer must have the option
to disambiguate it when necessary, but otherwise should not have to type the
otherwise redundant () all the time. (All this talk is about arithmetic
expressions, so the whole () problem in LISP in general)
Arithmetic expressions are rarely complicated enough to need full
bracketing. And hence, it is better to have a preprocessor that fills in the
required brackets when they are just redundant.

For e.g.

(+ (* 1 3)  (/ 1 5))

It would be better if I could write it as:

+ (* 1 3) (/ 15)

and the preprocessor should be able to convert it to (+ (* 1 3) (/ 1 5))
After all, the additional () is what the compiler needs. Not me. Above
simplified version is mathematically unambiguous.

This is much less noise.

On Sun, Dec 20, 2009 at 2:12 AM, Richard Newman <> wrote:

> > (< x y) how do you read this literally left-to-right?
> I've been writing Common Lisp and Clojure for about 6 years now, and I
> read that "less-than x y" without any confusion.
> I have almost no problems with prefix notation; even arithmetic (which
> I was taught in infix for years) rarely trips me up when writing.
> Reading prefix-notation arithmetic is, of course, a joy when compared
> to infix (no trying to remember precedence, building intermediate tree
> nodes in my head, etc.).
> --
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