Look, Clojure does a lot to make life easier.  But if Joe Q. Coder
isn't willing to *try* to work with parens, he won't have a chance
picking up Clojure.

It is proudly a Lisp for people that want to get things done.  Any
Java/.NET/Python/Brainfuck/Ruby/Basic/C/C++ (No Perlmongers :)) that
want to get better are welcome.  However, there is a way things are
done in the language, driven by the underlying problems reality
imposes on developers.  A prospective Clojure developer must accept
that the language does this to help you, not hurt you, and they need
to be open to the ideas.

That is the intended audience.


On Dec 18, 7:59 pm, Martin Coxall <pseudo.m...@me.com> wrote:
> On 19 Dec 2009, at 00:53, Sean Devlin wrote:
> > What you're looking for is called "Python".
> > The parens are your friend.  Learn to love them.  They are there to
> > remind you that you're building a data structure, not just writing
> > code.
> > Sean
> As it happens, I agree with you: I learned to stop noticing the parens a long 
> time ago, and think that Clojure's rather pragmatic approach to 
> parens-reduction (lambda/vector literals) and other syntactic conveniences 
> (object invocation syntax, comma whitespace) strikes a good balance.
> But I'm trying to think of it from the point of view of Joe Q. Coder, who 
> will take one look at our beloved elegant, expressive Clojure, see all the 
> parens and run screaming.
> Many people find would Clojure's comparative lack of syntax very 
> human-hostile. Who is the intended audience of Clojure? Is it other Lispers? 
> Or other Java programmers?
> Martin

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