On Dec 18, 4:59 pm, Martin Coxall <pseudo.m...@me.com> wrote:
> But I'm trying to think of it from the point of view of Joe Q. Coder, who 
> will take one look at our beloved elegant, expressive Clojure, see all the 
> parens and run screaming.

Let James Gosling worry about Joe Q. Coder. He does a very good job at
that. Do you think HP worries that soccer moms will not use their
Engineering Calculators ?

> Who is the intended audience of Clojure? Is it other Lispers? Or other Java 
> programmers?

The intended audience are Software Engineers. Not the people who hide
behind "this-is-not-intuitive" their lack of willing to learn the most
effective way to spend their professional life.

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