On May 27, 2009, at 7:52 PM, Korny Sietsma wrote:
> How would I do this in a functional way?  My first effort would be
> something like
>    (defn hash [filename] (memoize (... hash function ...)))
> but I have a couple of problems with this:
>  - it doesn't seem to store the hash value with the rest of the file
> information, which feels a bit ugly
>  - I assume it means storing the full filename three times, once in
> the original file info structure, once in the memoized hash function,
> and once in the memoized quickhash function.  My program struggles to
> get enough RAM to track as many files as I'd like already - storing
> the filename multiple times would blow out memory quite badly.
> I guess I could define a unique key for each filename, and define hash
> as a function on that key, but then hash would need to be able to
> access the list of filenames somehow.  It's starting to get beyond me
> - I'm hoping there's a simpler option!

OK, I'm probably talking out of turn here, but I thought I would share  
some of my thoughts.

First of all, though you probably already thought of this, you can  
improve time complexity from O(N^2) to O(N log N) if you sort the  
files looking for duplicates rather than comparing every file to every  
other file. In other words, make a list of files and their hashes, and  
sort by the hashes, then walk the list comparing each hash to the  
previous hash.

I can think of two ways to do this. The first one I thought of might  
be more functional, which would be to successively narrow down a list  
of potential duplicates comparison by comparison. It would have a  
structure something like this: generate a list of files by size; group  
by files of the same size; remove all sublists of length 1 (unique  
sizes). Pass that list to a function which generates a list of files  
by the quick hash; group by them by it; remove all sublists of length  
1. Pass that to a function which does the same thing only with the  
more expensive hash. I suspect you could make each of the three steps  
a function and then make a fourth function which combines those three  
and takes a function as a parameter to produce the hash. Then you  
could use the comp function to combine those three functions and  
presto, you have your list of duplicates.

Another possible way that more closely resembles what you're doing  
right now would be to have a function which looks at a file and lazily  
produces the three comparison values, then do the sort/group procedure  
with a comparison function that is smart enough to only compare as  
much as it has to. I think you could build this with what Mikio was  
proposing, because map is lazy.

As another example of this:

(defn get-comparators [str]
   (cons (nth str 0)
        (lazy-seq (do
                      (println "Looking at second element")
                      (Thread/sleep 1000)
                      (list (nth str 1))))))

This function returns a list of two values which are just the first  
two characters of a string, but it prints a message and waits a second  
if the second value in the list is actually forced. If you never look  
at the second value, you never pay the penalty for computing it. So  
supposing a compare a list of strings which differ on the first  
character, it should return immediately without printing anything, and  
it does:

user> (sort-by get-comparators #(some (complement zero?) (map compare  
%1 %2)) ["ab" "cd" "ef" "gh"])
("ab" "cd" "ef" "gh")

But if some of them have the same first character, it should have a  
delay and then return the values:

user> (sort-by get-comparators #(some (complement zero?) (map compare  
%1 %2)) ["ab" "cd" "ef" "eg"])
Looking at second element
Looking at second element
("ab" "cd" "ef" "eg")

So you can see that even though it had to use the second values to  
compare 'ef' and 'eg', it only had to "compute" their second  
characters, not the second characters of any of the other elements.

There is a group-by function in clojure.contrib.seq-utils which would  
be of use. Unfortunately I don't see how to do filter with a hash-map  
to produce another hash-map. The best I came up with was this:

(def groupings
       #(first (get-comparators %))
       ["abc" "abd" "hello" "gravy" "stuff" "stripes"]))

(apply hash-map (apply concat (filter (fn [[key value]] (> (count  
value) 1)) groupings)))

I don't trust apply, and double apply seems really fishy. I'm probably  
missing something obvious there. Also, it would probably be better to  
either be able to furnish group-by with a comparison function a la  
sort-by or else somehow make lists be instances of comparable to make  
this work using get-comparators.

One more note, because you mentioned some concern over having  
filenames in memory. I'm not sure but I don't think Java and therefore  
Clojure can do this, but in general (at least on Unix-based systems)  
you ought to be able to store the inode and look up everything else at  
considerable savings. Your storage costs then ought to be something  
like a 4-8 bytes per file. Since you don't care about the filename for  
identifying duplicates, just displaying them, that could save you some  
overhead during the comparison stage, but I'd only bother with it if I  
knew I had to compare a *lot* of files and I only cared about the  
result during one run, as inodes are frequently recycled.

None of this really answers your question about internally mutable  
state. Of course internally mutable state is possible, either using  
closed-over variables or the OOP facilities of Clojure. I have a  
recent message which gives examples of both, which you can see here: 

Hope this helps,

Daniel Lyons
http://www.storytotell.org -- Tell It!

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