Hi Nathan,

On 04.05.2009, at 15:47, Nathan Hawkins wrote:

> On Mon, 4 May 2009 06:16:14 -0700 (PDT)
> Drew Raines <aarai...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Whoops, that (seq) is a debugging artifact.  You can remove that:
>> (let [test-str "foo=1;bar=2;baz=3"]
>>  (reduce conj {}
>>          (map #(apply hash-map (.split % "="))
>>               (.split test-str ";"))))
> Ok, my example seems to have misled. You're missing the point a little
> bit:
> 1. I was trying to avoid the (reduce conj {} ...), by having the map
> function do it. Why even build a list that's only going to get thrown
> away when I want a hash-map at the end?

you're not actually building a list. The function map returns a (lazy)  
*sequence*, which is an instance of ISeq. This just means you're  
getting something that supports the operations first and rest. So,  
since map returns a sequence and you want a Map (i.e. key/value data  
structure), you'll have to turn it into one by using (conj {} ...) or  
(into {} ...).


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