On Mar 21, 2009, at 1:44 PM, Mark Triggs wrote:
>   user=> (str (filter even? (range 1 10)))
>   "clojure.lang.lazy...@f1005"
> Previously this would readably print the contents of the seq and some
> of my code was relying on this.  Obviously it's not difficult to call
> `prn-str' myself, but I just wondered if this change was made
> consciously.

According to the documentation for 'str':
With one arg x, returns x.toString().

So it looks like toString() on a sequence used to return its contents  
and now doesn't. However, rather than relying on this behavior what  
you probably should be doing is using 'apply':
(apply str (filter even? (range 1 10))) => "2468"

If you want commas between those elements, use 'interpose':
(apply str (interpose ", " (filter even? (range 1 10)))) => "2, 4, 6, 8"

David Sletten

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