Oh, I should have search through the ml first ...

I see that we came to almost exactly the same code ;-)

So it seems that finally, there are more than persons named "Stuart" that
would like to see this function somewhere in clojure or clojure-contrib.

I have the following questions :

 * Concerning the function : the previous post was talking about .. , when I
was talking about -> . To be honest, I don't know if there is a difference.
I think there is one, in that -> is the generalized version of .., working
not only on java instances, but also with any clojure function result ...

Should both .. and -> be provided with an equivalent "nil safe" form, or
just -> ?

 * Concerning the correctness of the function presented in the thread you
mentioned : note that the version I provided and named (for the moment) ?->
worked also if the very first argument is nil, that is (?-> nil .toUpperCase
(.substring 1)) works by returning nil (it seems to me that the versions in
the mentioned thread would have thrown a NullPointerException in this case

* Concerning the name to give to this function : maybe ->? instead of ?->,
if you think we can live with this "violation" to the predicate convention ?

* Concerning the namespace where it should reside : clojure.core ?
clojure.contrib.core  ? clojure.contrib.macros ? something else ?

Thanks in advance,


2009/3/12 Stuart Sierra <the.stuart.sie...@gmail.com>

> On Mar 9, 8:12 pm, Laurent PETIT <laurent.pe...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > When interacting with java code, and maybe in other pure clojure
> situations
> > as well (but I have not encountered the case myself), I was faced with
> > writing boiler plate code to check whether the return values of a chain
> of
> > calls to successive instance members were null before continuing ...
> This has been discussed here:
> http://groups.google.com/group/clojure/browse_thread/thread/c4eb149248859a18/aab137e1d9363f67
> -Stuart Sierra
> >

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