On Tue, Mar 10, 2009 at 12:17 AM, bOR_ <boris.sch...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm not from the software engineers field, but how difficult is it for
> some non-lisp, but java-savvy software writer to pick up a 600-line
> clojure program and learn to understand it?

I think the majority of Java programmers will be able to pull that
off, but it will take a good deal longer than the equivalent 2000-line
Java program.

Also, how do you think this increase in required effort grows? What if
we are talking about a +10.000-line Clojure program? Now add schedule
pressure, deadlines and the cost of missed oppotunities and you will
find that many companies sees the introduction of a new programming
language - especially if it is uncontrolled or happens without their
knowledge - as a significant risk.

> I mean, everyone in this
> forum managed to learn clojure to some degree without too much
> trouble.. including me. If there is a function the poor software
> engineer doesn't know about, there is excellent documentation
> available (unlike, for example for K, where your documentation is the
> source code in Q), there's this google group, and there is irc.
> I am a scientist, and I seem to manage fine. Someone who programs for
> a living should be able to fix a program that is broken in whatever
> language relatively easy.

"Relative" as in opposed to someone who does not program at all? ;)

You may find it hard to pursuade an off-the-street VB hacker to fix
bugs in your K code :)

> On Mar 9, 6:08 pm, Jay Fields <j...@jayfields.com> wrote:
>> I've lived through this discussion for the past 3 years while writing web
>> applications using Ruby and Rails. Here's what I've learned:
>> - Using a language that the average stupid programmer can't understand
>> virtually guarantees that you'll increase your success chances, since you
>> and your team-mates will be of a higher caliber.
> >

Venlig hilsen / Kind regards,
Christian Vest Hansen.

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