"Application" programming is exactly what we do with Clojure,
we are not using it in a bubble, it's there to implement all
the complex logic we need.

We use over 130 jars (Spring,...) and we use them from both Clojure and
some Java components. We are replacing with Clojure code
the Java high level components inherited from our product V1.0.

"Enterprise" programming is restricted to Java APIs however
we share data between Java, Clojure and Ruby transparently
through YAML and messaging.

Cobol/Fortran does not support maps as far as I can remember so
adding Cobol/Fortran components in our product would be a challenge :))))))

If Clojure was another "better" LISP without any access to
Java that would restrict its utility severely.

To us it would not had any sex appeal at all without Java access.
It was a major factor in our decision to use Clojure even
V1.0 is not finalized yet an go live with it.

We needed a fast delivery approach and Clojure allowed us to reuse
Java components with minimal changes while allowing us to code
complex logic much more faster in Clojure.

For us Clojure = less useless code lines = fast delivery
= less test headaches = major success :))))


> On Mar 6, 8:15 am, Joshua Fox <joshuat...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Is it fair to say that Clojure shines in algorithmic processing, string
>> processing, concurrency management, but that there are better choices in
>> other areas:
>> - "Application" programming , where the key challenge is fitting a
>> standard
>> three-tier application to the business domain.
>> - "Enterprise" programming, where the challenge is gluing together
>> overweight and fragile libraries, and one should always use exactly the
>> set
>> of software which the API creators envisioned?
>> Rich himself has suggested something along these lines, but I wonder
>> what
>> others think.

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