If these theories are correct (and I believe they are) then this is
an opportunity to beat the crap out these guys in head-to-head competition.
 The Rails guys seem to have successfully broken into industry by being
better (relatively compared to Java/VB/C#).  We can do the same thing if we
don't wait for others to do it instead.
(I know this sounds like a PG essay, but it is true.)

On Fri, Mar 6, 2009 at 11:07 AM, <lprefonta...@softaddicts.ca> wrote:

> I agree about "consultants" (these days it's not anymore an synonym for
> expert) and the state of the market but...
> If you write a new software product and
> you are concerned with deadlines and speed in general, Java is not
> the way to go anymore considering the pile of code you need to do
> anything significant these days. More code = more people = inefficiencies.
> I know some business where HR and IT managers come back with this mantra
> that they can find Java and .Net coders, anything else is too risky or
> too scarce on the market.
> It reminds the time when you could not get fired when buying IBM
> mainframes.
> Many HR departments do not understand anything about
> software development in general and the profile of individuals needed.
> They go for the "standard" available bodies with a single fit all projects
> skill set and their batteries of psychological tests.
> That explains a lot why productivity is low on most projects.
> The landscape will change when HR changes (and managers)...
> seeking intelligence and initiative instead of a single static fit.
> (looks like StarTrek quest...)
> The day they will understand that software development is not
> a Taylor assembly line (less the efficiency), the situation will improve.
> You cannot get more from people that what you are asking for...
> I am not generally optimistic about the state of things in the software
> industry but we need to bring in tools that are more accessible to the
> masses. Clojure is one if you compared it to CL...
> Luc
> >
> > The biggest barrier to using Clojure in an "enterprise" environment is
> > that enterprise projects are typically built and maintained by 100s of
> > replaceable code-monkeys and consultants, all of which understand Java
> > and almost none of which understand Lisp of any kind, let alone
> > Clojure.
> >
> > To be honest, even if I could get away with it, I wouldn't want to
> > inflict hell on the next person who has to fix something in my Clojure
> > code. Even if they're a good developer, they are very unlikely to care
> > about Clojure or functional programming. I heard of one guy in our
> > company who wrote some web services in Scala on the grounds that they
> > were one-off services that wouldn't need to be modified - until they
> > were, and everyone was roundly cursing him for it. They were small
> > enough that it turned out to be easier to redo them in Java rather
> > than to learn Scala and understand his code.
> >
> > Like it or not, enterprise development = Java or .NET until the
> > language landscape has some radical changes.
> >
> >

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