That's a great idea. I guess the easiest way to implement this is to
make it standard to include tags: at the top or bottom of a docstring:

(defn pmap
  "tags: parallel, map
  Blah blah blah."

(find-doc "parallel")
(pmap ...)
  tags: parallel, map
  Blah blah blah.

That'd be a cool, useful, easy, and, to my knowledge, unique little
convention. It'd solve the problem of having to include common
synonyms for people searching with find-doc. I hope that the core API
would implement this.

On Mar 9, 5:53 am, Mark Volkmann <> wrote:
> On Mon, Mar 9, 2009 at 4:03 AM, Tuomas J. Lukka <> 
> wrote:
> > In fact, how about adding tags to the actual docstrings of the
> > functions? That way, this could be automatized in the future.
> I suggested that a couple of months ago and didn't get any feedback. I
> agree it would be a nice thing to do. Imagine being in a REPL and
> having to ability to enter something like (forms "logical") and
> getting back (and every? not not-any? not-every? or some).
> --
> R. Mark Volkmann
> Object Computing, Inc.
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