On Mar 8, 5:30 pm, Mark Volkmann <r.mark.volkm...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I made an attempt at categorizing all special forms, functions and
> macros in clojure.core, plus some outside that namespace. 
> Seehttp://www.ociweb.com/mark/clojure/ClojureCategorized.html. I'd love
> some feedback on the names of the categories and whether I've split
> them up correctly. I think a breakdown like this could be a big help
> to developers that are new to Clojure. For example, if they are
> looking for forms that provide conditional processing, it's hard to
> quickly locate them on the API page because it liss every form
> alphabetically.

I prefer the idea of organizing by tag rather than by category,
because some forms fit multiple categories.  For example, "pmap" is a
kind of map operation, and it's also a parallel operation.
Reductions, maps, and scans (Clojure doesn't really have those, does
it? well, not _yet_ ;-) ) are all operations on collections.  (You're
kind of getting there with the "sequence operations to retrieve a
single item" / "...multiple items.")


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