On 23 August 2017 at 04:27, Timothy Baldridge <tbaldri...@gmail.com> wrote:

> But Datomic has E in [e a v] which links multiple [a v] pairs into an
> entity...which is basically a map. So I don't think that applies here.

Except that [e a v t] facts in Datomic are ordered and not necessarily
unique, and that's my part of my point. A collection/stream of variants (or
tuples that contain some manner of [k v] part) are map-like but often have
additional properties, such as ordering.

>   GET /example HTTP/1.1
>   Host: www.example.com
>   [:request/method :get]
>   [:request/uri "/example"]
>   [:request/protocol "HTTP/1.1"]
>   [:request/header ["host" "www.example.com"]]
> Once again, a ad-hoc encoding. What is "GET", what is "/example". I see
> that datastructure and all I see are hashmaps.
> Do it the way ring does ;-)
> {:method :get
>  :uri "..."
>  :headers [...]}

And what happens if I want to stop processing the request the moment I hit
the request method? For example:

  (fn [req]
      (match (<! req)
        [:request/method :post] (close! req)
        [:request/method :get] (onto-chan req example-response))))

Again, the problem with a map is that it is unordered and fixed. Sometimes
it's useful to process a stream of key/value pairs over time.

James Reeves

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