On 23 August 2017 at 01:18, Timothy Baldridge <tbaldri...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Great, so these approaches are suggesting we wrap every value in a vector
> or a hash map (as the lisp cast article does).

What? No, that's not what I'm saying at all.

If you have an unordered collection of key/value pairs where every key is
unique, then *of course* you use a map.

But if you have only *one* key/value pair, how do you represent that? Or if
you want an arbitrarily ordered collection of key/value pairs? Or a
collection with repetition?

For example, a series of events that represent a player's moves in a card

  [:card/draw :9h]
  [:card/draw :qh]
  [:card/draw :4s]
  [:card/discard :4s]
  [:card/draw :7d]

I've also found it a useful pattern for data access:

  [:data/found "Bob"]
  [:data/retry-in 600]

A [k v] vector isn't the only way of representing data like this, but it is
probably the most concise.

James Reeves

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