Simple: because failing to put it in a map constrains future growth.

Putting things into a set restricts you to unique values. Putting values
into a vector constrains you to a specific ordering. And quite frankly one
little mistake like this can cause tons of refactoring down the road.
Better to write it once, simply, and extensible.

I can't tell you how many codebases I've worked on where they failed to
allow for "extra data" in either the arguments or the return of a function
or endpoint and we've had to do major refactoring once a single part of the
system needs a configuration flag.

But I guess I'd flip it around. Why would I ever want:

[:response val]

when I could have

{:status :response
 :result val}

The latter is more readable, self-documenting, and extensible. I can't
think of a single design benefit the variant variant has over the map.

On Tue, Aug 22, 2017 at 9:43 PM, James Reeves <> wrote:

> On 23 August 2017 at 03:58, Timothy Baldridge <>
> wrote:
>> Put let's take that and look at it under a engineering lens a bit:
>> >> For example, a series of events that represent a player's moves in a
>> card game:
>> >>
>> >>  [:card/draw :9h]
>> You have an ad-hoc encoding of data here now. Expand it out a bit, and
>> make it machine readable instead of preferring ease of writing and you get:
>> {:player/action :card/draw
>>  :card/number :9
>>  :card/suit :hearts}
>> Much easier to introspect, and extensible as future data just flows
>> through without existing code breaking because you add extra data.
> But possibly over-engineered. Suppose that the only function we want to
> produce is:
>   (cards-in-hand events)
>   => #{:9h :qh :7d}
> If we have a function that returns [k], [v] or {k v}, then I have a hard
> time buying the idea that the input to the function should be more complex
> than [[k v]].
> If the scope of the data is not so constrained, then sure, use a map.
> >> I've also found it a useful pattern for data access:
>> >>
>> >>  [:data/found "Bob"]
>> I've worked with systems that have done this, and I really dislike it.
>> Because now I have to zip the inputs of a function with the outputs if I
>> want a composable system usable in pipelines and the like.
>> What's much better:
>> {:op/status :success
>>  :data/found "Bob"
>>  :data/key "444-434-3323"
>>  :server/ip ....}
>> Now not only do I know what data I got, but where it came from, the key I
>> originally used, etc.
> Which is useful only if you plan on using that additional data. If you are
> only ever interested in the key and value, and the function is internal,
> why dress it up?
> --
> James Reeves
> --
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