Currently, user.clj is loaded automatically during Clojure boot (in RT
static init).  I think this is done as a convenience for repl usage,
since other apps could easily include a 'load' 'require' or 'use' of
whatever is needed. I am proposing that auto-loading of user.clj be
removed. A command line option for loading user.clj could be added for
repl usage.

The motivation for this change is that user.clj may contain defmethods
for print-method or other multifns that are undesirable for certain
applications (defmethod in one namespace can change a multifn in
another namespace regardless of use or require specs).

I know I can avoid the problem by either not having a user.clj, or not
having defmethods in user.clj, but it seems more straightforward to
have a command-line option rather than have such restrictions.
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